A Thought on the Difference Between Nude Art and Porn

Nude art and porn both use nakedness. Sometimes it can be difficult or even impossible to tell what side of the fence the unclothed figure stands. This lack of distinction causes us to conclude the line is in the eyes of the beholder. Though there is always subjectivity involved in any kind of viewing, the ends of art and porn create justified categorical differences. This makes it possible to objectively distinguish between the two.

The goal of porn is relatively straightforward. It creates sexual tension for the sake of sexual release. The story begins with sex and is over when there is no more of it. Orgasm (almost always male) ends the tension. By doing so, it fulfills its purpose and the narrative is over. The viewer is encouraged to do the same. The energy that was generated is now, hopefully, gone. Art, in contrast, is different.

Though art can be difficult to define completely, the general aim revolves around uncovering something insightful and meaningful about life. The hope of disclosing a truth that resonates beyond the literal and superficial. This is why art has the ability to change the way people live their everyday lives. And, even if sexuality is used in art, sex is never the ends. It never has the final say, because sex doesn't exist in a vacuum in real life. Art adds context and, as a result, creates a story about something beyond the physicality portrayed. Mere pleasure isn’t substantial enough to hone the heuristics we need to advance through life. Art though, is.


Isola in the Bathroom


Hands Up