Sex, Worldviews, and Communication

Within the worldview of most traditional religions, sex has a context. Whether it's praised for being procreative or condemned for it's appeals to "the flesh", the power of sex can be more easily interpreted. I assume this is due to the fact that worldviews establish limitations as well as prescriptive actions. The latter is something the philosophies of classical liberalism doesn't generally address.

Modernist cultures lack a worldview. Because of this, sex is able to be discursive. We no longer talk about it within a context as there isn't one (or not one that we share or believe to be universal). We see it as a marketing tool, a form of labor, a means of intimacy, a hedonic ends, a scientific pursuit, etc. all at the same time; but non are deeply related. Whatever anyone wants to do with it is largely tolerated. 

Without a worldview there doesn't seem to be a substantive way to comprehend or criticize sex outside it’s respective delineations. There's no illuminating backdrop to contrast the fragments against, because the cohesive whole is itself shredded and/or a hodgepodge. As a result, sex lacks communicability. And as communication breaks down, so does the development of knowledge itself.

What, then, is a worldview that fits our times? One that isn’t archaic and scared of creating knowledge? 


Playing with Shadows


A Day in the Life: March 2022