Instinct and Options

Much of the practice of meditation is about moving beyond the "monkey mind". Another similar term is the "lizard brain". Whatever you want to call it, meditation is about building the strength to move past an instinctual way of life. One that focuses on thriving as opposed to surviving, and intent as opposed to being determined by the wind.

I think nude art has a correlation with meditation in this way.

Since sex is appetitive, nude art asks us to move beyond instinct. It proposes that there's more to the naked figure than what our monkey minded lizard brains see. Sidestepping the immediate is a discipline just like meditation. Nude art is then, about a choice. Not one that chastises pleasure, but one that knows there's more. A gratifying and substantial way of existing that can only be reached by being thoughtful and exercising control. Pretentiously we could say it's enlightened. Perhaps it's just more fulfilling though. More fulfilling because it give's us more options and allows us to choose from a wider range of interactions that aren’t focused solely on the superficial. Something that ties into our ability to be liberated and free.


Hannah Tied up in Something Blue


A Day in the Life: July 2021