Problems and Observations Regarding the Private Domain

Through most of human history there was little to no separation between the public and private domains. Overall, it was society that dictated the responsibilities of the individual for the sake of the collective (Collectivism), so distinguishing between them would have been largely irrelevant. 

As societies evolved, the faint distinction between the public and private began to inch their way apart with the dawn of the agricultural revolution. Over the course of centuries this schism has only grown wider. The scientific revolution is, perhaps, the catalyst that lead to some of the most radical and exponential changes for the public domain. This can be seen with mind bending realities of things like GPS, which relies on Einstein's theories to function properly. The private domain has been virtually unchanged by comparison. 

As marvelous as all of this progress is, I want to use it for a point of criticism. 

First, the public/private divide is, almost exclusively, a male/female distinction. Women have been omitted from participating in the public realm, because their jobs have historically been that of the private. This is an obvious problem.   

Second, the lack of evolution within the private domain is probably due to beliefs/memes that exist to repress knowledge itself. This seems evident to me since it's not as if the private domain is problem free. 

These two points offer the basis to prominent issues that we, as a contemporary society, must solve. And though some take this opportunity to sound the trumpets for traditionalism, I don't think many of its main appeals offer the answer. In fact, it most likely will only compound problems as its solution is reversion. To overcome the obstacles in the private domain we should probably address it with the similar spirit we do the obstacles in the public one. Perhaps then we can hope to have both parts of our lives evolve in tandem with one another.


Hannah Leaning on the Bed


Vassanta in her Kitchen